I was sleeping in my bed and ria woke me up at exactly 7:57 AM.I asked her what was the reason she is waking me for.

Her mother came inside and started to say that you have to do all the household works hereafter and if you ain't doing it,I am sure I will be singing your infamous incest song to your father.

I had no other options but to do the household works.I went to the bathroom for my bath and refreshments.After completing it I came outside wearing a shorts and tshirt.

This made malathi anger,she started to shout a lot.She wants me to be dressed in girl's clothes always.After shouting for a long time,she throwed a chudidar to my face.which was a chudidar of Ria's which she wears sometimes.I went to my room and wored it came outside.

After seeing it,malathi took her makeup kit and started to apply some of it to my face.At the same time ria started to comb my hair feminine and they left my hair in loose.then they made me wear jewellery and placed a bindi to my forehead to complete the look.

They took a photo of me ,when my feminine look is achieved.

I still don't know what was the thing they achieve just by making me dress like a girl.I am still a boy inside female clothes.All I hoped was this thing should end soon as positive because, all I needed is to go to my past life by wearing boy's clothes rather wearing women's clothes.

Then malathi started to give me works like washing the dishes, cutting the vegetable, cleaning the entire house with a mop.After completing the work , I took a view  to the clock and which showed the time as 11:52 AM.

That was the time I noticed it that I didn't eat my breakfast and I felt really hungry.After doing all those works,I felt really tired but there was nobody for me to care about me.If my mother was there she wouldn't made me do this works and wouldn't made me go on a hunger strike.that was time I felt really sad of losing my mother.

I went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast, that was the time,I noticed that there wasn't no food in the house as the culprits ate it to make me go hungry.After that malathi came inside the kitchen and throwed a plate of old rice which was kept from yesterday to eat.Ofcourse the food was spoiled but I have no other ways so I ate it.It had a fungent smell and taste was really bad,but still I ate it.

After eating it, I asked about my father to ria.She didn't even respond to me and went.That was the time I realised she won't be respecting me hereafter due to my misbehaviour activity towards her.This was making me feel more guilty and I am loving her sincerely but she didn't understand it.

After seeing me with ria, malathi came running towards me and hit me in my head,as she thought I was misbehaving with her again,but I couldn't do anything as she will start to blackmail with me.Then I asked her about my father,she said that my father went outside for a job.

Then she started to give other work to me, I had to do it.she was really juicing me out with the house hold works.After completing it,I felt really tired, and then went to my room and slept in the bed.I didn't notice the thing that I was in a chudidar and I slept really tight in it.

The day became darker,I didn't know the time so I woke up and came outside to see the clock.it was 7:12 PM.When I came outside, I could see my father was surprised to see me in a chudidar and that too I was wearing ornaments.

After seeing me like that,He started to say that I know your feelings and the depression you got after the demise of your mother.which is making you do this things,so as a proper father I have to do certain things as per your wish.Malathi said that dressing as a girl makes you feel happy and relieves you from your depression;so you asked my permission of wearing girls uniform to school.you have my support always.

So that's why I went to your school today and spoke to the principal.I said that these things and asked permission for you to wear girl's uniform and live as a girl for few days.She also accepted for it.I bought three uniforms for you in your size,if you wish you can wear it.

After hearing it I was totally confused,that when I asked to my father for uniform.that's when I realised these were the masterclass plans of malathi. That b**ch is making me do total shameful activity for me.

Then I went to my room,and malathi followed me to my room.she started to say that I have wears the uniform for the school from tomorrow onwards otherwise you know that right I could say it easily.

I know the thing that my father may accept my crossdressing now but when he hears the incest thing, definitely he will kill me;so, I don't have any other way than wearing a girl's uniform.

I went to sleep again in night exactly 10:45 PM, that's when Ria gave me a pink nighty to wear.I wore it and went to sleep.

My father came to my room to check on me,he saw me sleeping in a pink nighty,my father understood that his only son is turning into a  girl .


I woke up in a nighty exactly at 6:11 AM.I went to rest room to complete my activities and came out bathed.

Malathi kept the uniform in front side of bathroom in a table.I could see her involvement high in this matter and she is so eager to see me in a uniform.

I have no idea to escape from it, I did wear the the uniform which was indeed a chudidar itself.then malathi did my hair in a feminine way and placed some ornaments in my body.Ria did place a bindi in my forehead.

I ate my breakfast and prepared to go to the school.I was terrified of my friends who would tease me a lot when I go to class in a female avatar.

Then, when I went outside,malathi stopped me as my father would drop me in the school in his bike.before and all I used to go to school by cycle by myself but now everything is changed in my life.

Then I sat in the backside of the bike in straight way but malathi scolded me that every girls used to sit in sideways when they are traveling in backside of a bike;so I sat in the bike sideways too.



I hope so readers find the story interesting,and thanks for a follower to point out a thing in my story, I tried my best to rectify it in this story part.If you still find some mistakes I will try to rectify it in upcoming story parts.

Feel free to comment in the comments section ,Every things described by the readers will be taken into account and I will try to give a very well written crossdressing story by it.This thing is available for every followers and readers.

Thank you 



  1. Really excellent Story Plz Go Ahead

  2. Add more pictures in between the story

    1. This was the first time for me to use a lot of photos in a story but you are still asking me to add extra photos.yes your idea was a good one and I will try to add some extra photos in between the story.
      And as a disclaimer,that the person in the photo has no connection with the story and this story is completely a fictional one.I use the photos only to enhance the experience of reading the story.
      Thanks for your suggestion.

  3. Great chapter and thank you for considering followers request.

    Your stories keep us entertained everyday, please do post more stories.

    1. Thank you so much and feel free to say any mistakes you find in the story (or) things you miss in the story.The readers suggestion always enhances the quality of the story.


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