My name is Arul and my wife's name is sasi and she is in her 7th month of pregnancy as of family is having around a 15 crores of asset.which was in the name of my mother and she is in her death bed and wishing to pass over assets to her heirs.

As per our family rules,the assets are written only to the first kid born to the first born son of my parents and the kid must be a daughter as the girls won't runaway with the assets otherwise if the kid is a boy the assets will be written in my brother's name as I don't want it to happen and I was expecting so much that my first child will be a daughter.

Ofcourse some amount of share in the total assets will be given to my child in the future if my first child is a boy but I am not sure when it will be given to my kid as it would take a eternity to come and in this meanwhile time my brother will start to scrap the asset inch by inch and totally destroy it.


My wife started to suffer on labour pain on jun 16 and we went to the hospital hoping for birth of my daughter.The doctor was my close friend since school and he was also eager to know the gender of the child.

My child wasn't coming out of my wife as easily in the way of normal delivery and as time passed ,so we opted for the cesarian way of delivery and on successfully 4:35 PM my son was born.

I was totally depressed and shocked that my first child is a boy and I don't wanted it to be a boy. I was totally scared that I won't be getting the assets in my name and my brother is going to use it and destroy it.

I suddenly got the idea of changing the identity of my child to a girl as assets is a important thing for me at this situation and I am not okay with the assets being written in the name of my brother.I can't afford to lose the 15 crores and the value of the assets may increase in the future.

As the doctor was my childhood friend and I said the thing to him.At first he was hesitant that this was a crime to change but later accepted to my condition and The changing is not like having the surgery and it is just changing his gender name in the birth certificate.

And as successfully,we changed the gender name in the hospital log book to girl and this all happened when my wife is in the state of drowsiness after the labour pain and she was not aware of it.By changing the gender name in the log book,it is taken into consideration for the birth certificate.


After hearing it,my wife was totally angry on me as I changed my own child's gender to a girl.All I tried was to explain her the situation but she was not agreeing with it.At last we had a big fight with each other and she became silent after me consoling her.

And the only thing I said her is changing the gender of one child won't be matter as we would have more boy kids in future and they can live their own lives as boys and all this first child need to do is to live his entire life as a normal girl.As go outside and see many boys wishes to live their life as a girl but here your son has got permission from their own parents and I think he must have did good things in his previous life.

Later on most of the relatives came to my house to see my new born boy,which includes my brother also.All were thinking that my first born was a girl and they were in a jealous state on me getting the assets in my name early, which also includes my brother also.


On a fine beautiful afternoon,the post has came to my house and which had my first born child's birth certificate and in which his name was Shivani and the gender was girl.yes ofcourse we named my son as Shivani.

Everyone in my family and society acknowledges him as a girl and I am so happy with it.And at last few days later I got the assets written in my name and evaluation of the assets has increased from 15 crores to 18 crores.

But all I think in that moment is I need to show my son as a girl to the society as well as my family in his entire life,so me and my wife decided not to say the thing that he is actually a boy in nature to him till his entire life.As this would create confusions in future.

So we started to care and grow him as a normal girl just like what other normal girl parents do.



I think this story is more different as this story's perspective takes place from the parents side and not from the son himself and this story is totally a feel good one.

I know I delayed writing of stories for a long time but I will try my best to write the upcoming story parts as soon as possible and this story part didn't have any photos as I think this part don't want any photos in it.

I hope so the reader must find the story interesting but if any of the readers find the story lagging in some parts pls inform it in the comments section so that I could rectify it and write a proper crossdressing story in upcoming days.Your suggestions always helps in increasing the quality of the story.

And as a disclaimer, this story is totally fictional and doesn't involve with Real Life CHARACTERS/PERSONS IN THE REAL LIFE.the person in the photos has no connection/no involvement with the story.I only use the images to enhance the quality of the story.




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